Kristina M. Rivet is a Certified Public Account. She
provides excellent accounting services for Avalon, and she
has a very
active practice here in the Gainesville, FL area. She is
very esy to work with, and we highly recommend her accounting
services. She can be reached at:
M. Rivet, CPA
Physician Advisory Group, Inc.
4110-D NW 37th Place
Gainesville, FL 32606
Tel: (352) 379-8220 Ext. 4
Fax: (352) 379-8286
E-mail: kristy@pagfl.com
Lehman, Ph.D.,
is recognized as one of the foremost experts in Medieval
and Classical Astrology. In addition to being an expert
in these areas, Lee is an excellent instructor, and she
teaches 3 courses at Avalon. You can also enroll in courses
that Lee offers and purchase educational CD's, books,
and learning materials that enable you to learn ancient
western traditions in astrology and master classical
techniques. Lee is also the Academic Dean of Kepler College.
de Looff has
developed one of the most comprehensive and well-designed
courses in Vedic astrology. ACVA, the main Vedic
astrology organization in the USA, recognizes
Roeland's courses for their excellence and grants
certification credits to people who complete his
courses. Roeland's Vedic astrology courses starts
at the beginning and advances to very advanced
levels. His courses are so well-designed that
Avalon has arranged with Roeland to use his beginning
and intermediate level course materials as a basis
for the Vedic astrology course at Avalon.
Meridian has been accurately forecasting markets for
25 years utilizing fundamental techniques, technical
methologies, and planetary cycles.

horoscope by Astrodienst - The international website for
Astrology. Get your Personal Daily Horoscope and a wide selection
of free horoscopes!
Astrologer: The
Mountain Astrologer is widely recognized as the best
English-language astrology magazine in the world today.
Explore our online offerings. If you like what you see,
order a sample copy or a subscription from our secure
order form. You may also look for us at your favorite
bookstore or newsstand. TMA is carried in more than 2000
stores worldwide, including many of the large chain stores.
leading resource for webmasters and small business owners specialized
in website submission, promotion and optimization on the Internet
since 1996. Add Me has currently over 800,000 members and is
the most popular website in Yahoo's Internet Promotion category.

search engine and link exchange resource and announcement
newsletter providing information resources for new
businesses and websites.
in search engine submission, Internet marketing and website
promotion. Our web site services includes FREE Site Submission
to 20+ top search engines using an automatic service search
engineregistration that is very easy to use.
Astrologer, Your Complete Astrology Directory: Astrologers
are listed by location, name, and specialties.
Findastrologer.com is all about finding qualified, experienced
astrologers for you. The astrologers are listed by name, location
and unique to this site, by their astrological specialties.
And it doesn't stop there! You will find growing lists of astrology
services including Conferences, Organizations and Astrology
Courses for all levels of study. Find Astrologer also has extensive
listings of companies offering quality Astrology products,
plus some terrific astrology articles written by astrologers
from all over the world. Go through the whole site. You will
find a wealth of astrological resources.
At FindAnAstrologer.com you can search for
and connect with the best astrologers in the world. Browse astrologer
read and post reviews about your readings, and set up astrology
readings based on your interests and needs. At FindAnAstrologer.com
you will discover new content weekly, including astrology book
reviews, articles and a comprehensive astrological workshop,
training and astrology conference calendar. Learn astrology yourself
with downloads of astrology trainings and exclusive content including
live interviews with top astrologers. Immerse yourself in the
empowering world of astrology and Illuminate Your Life Journey
If you are interested in receiving three (3) pages weekly online of the FREE esoteric science studies as was known by Pythagoras, who believed that NUMBER underlies all form, you will learn why number is the root of the universe; the meaning of the 10 yods of his Sacred Tetraktys, the nature of the etheric body, the astral body, the causal body for the soul, mantrams to contact the soul, the purpose of the force centers (chakras), and how the planets relate to them, what happens after death, how the Sacred Tetraktys correlates with the Fibonacci numbers, the Golden Ratio, the five polyhedra of PLATO, and with cosmic, planetary and human cycles; what it means to be on the reverse wheel of the zodiac, the esoteric rulers of the planets, & much more, then contact Margueirte.

(International Society For Astrological Research) Excellent
astrological organization in the U.S.A. ISAR is dedicated
to encouraging the highest standards of quality in astrology.
(The National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.),
is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising the
standards of astrological education and research.
(Astrological Association of Great Britain). The
Astrological Association of Great Britain is one of Europe's
leading astrological organisations, bringing together
astrologers from all over the world.
(Association for Astrological Networking) is
a network linking and informing the international astrological
community. With AFAN you will always know what is happening
to and for astrologers. AFAN's unique non-hierarchical
structure links the local astrologer to the steering
committee through regional coordinators and is the foundation
of the Network.
(The Organization for Professional Astrology) is
an organization dedicated to education and support for
professional astrologers. OPA is committed to establishing
and maintaining professional standards through teaching,
training, yearly conferences, and encouraging the responsible
use of astrology. OPA pledges to promote astrology's
value in our culture while assisting astrologers to establish
and improve their astrological practice. OPA views astrology
as a spiritual, psychological, and holistic tool for
creating a conscious view of life.
(The Federation of Australian Astrologers) was
incorporated in 1995 and represents a group of people
dedicated to the astrological principles of education
and research. It is a non-profit making, non-sectarian
and non-political body.
(The International Society of Business Astrologers),
the society wishes to be a source of inspiration to its
members for their professional development and to function
as a link between members of a profession with often
very isolated working conditions.
(American Federation of Astrologers) Established
in 1938, the American Federation of Astrologers is the
oldest association in the United States which oversees
accreditation of astrologers, sponsors scientific astrology
research, and publishes more astrological books than
anyone else in the United States.
ASTROLOGY, Astrology
Group of North Central Florida serving the Gainesville,
Florida area and neighboring towns. Sirius Astrologgy
is an astrology group that welcomes all people interested
in astrology, from amateur to professional. Our monthly
group meetings typically revolve around intermediate-level
topics, such as the meanings of astrological houses under
various systems and the discussion of key points in the
charts of members as they relate to that weeks' topic.
The Astrological Association of North Texas: It is the purpose
of this organization to extend the principles of Astrology,
or disciplines impacting Astrology, to the local community.
In order to accomplish this purpose the Society will have
as its main objective the presentation of educational programs/workshops/seminars
for the membership and the general public. ASNT is the longest-lasting
astrological group in all of North Texas. It was founded
by C.R. and Sue Apitz June 22, 1972 at 8:00 pm in Fort Worth
as the Astrological Society of Fort Worth (ASFW). Realizing
that the group was drawing members from many other areas
as well, the name was changed to ASNT November 15, 2002,
12:43 pm in North Richland Hills.
- AYA -
Association for Young Astrologers: AYA is committed to providing
educational opportunities for anyone interested in astrology,
with a focus on outreach to young people discovering astrology.
We believe that bringing youth into astrology is vital and
necessary. Our group stands in full support of young astrologers
and offers a community where they can learn and be inspired.