Our mission is to help you become proficient as an astrologer
and be able to practice as a professional astrologer. We provide you
the training to master a specific set of tools to be able to practically
apply the ideas. If you want to master a specific system of astrology
and apply it effectively, whether you wish to use these skills as a
professional astrologer or not, we think that Avalon is the best school
for you. We also train you with specific astrology software that you
must own. All astrological analysis is done with astrology software.
The software is like the hammer and saw that a carpenter uses. You
cannot learn to build a house just by hearing the ideas and you cannot
lean to play golf just by reading books and listening to people. You
must pick up the hammer, or pick up the golf club, and have a pro work
with you, to guide you, and help you excel. This is what we do at Avalon.
Because our goal is to enable you to have professional skills, we
do not study in any detail all the various theories and ideas in
astrology. We let you know what the other approachees are and how
they differ but we do not attempt to understand and use them. It
would be nice if we could, but it would be like trying to teach you
play piano, guitar, and trombone at the same time. We will teach
you to play piano and we will show you what the guitar and trombone
look like, but that's it. If you want to dig into using other methods,
you can enroll in the TACC program after completing the PAC program
or you can learn them at other astrology schools, books. local lectures,
conferences, etc.
